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Scaling Up Your Business from One to Ten Million, Featuring Jan Cavelle on The Entrepreneur MBA Podcast

In this episode of the Entrepreneur MBA Podcast, Jan Cavelle and Stephen Halasnik from Financing Solutions, a leading provider of unsecured small business lines of credit discuss methods in which small business owners can scale up their businesses. These solutions are providing small business owners with the expertise necessary to grow their small businesses exponentially.

Listen to the Podcast or read the summary by clicking here: Scaling Up Your Business from One to Ten Million

About the Jan Cavelle, from Jan Cavelle Co

Jan is an entrepreneur from the UK who has a few decades of running micro and small businesses behind her. She is very familiar with all the challenges that go with that, having started one from the kitchen table when her children were small and she was a single mother, to go on to build that into a multi-million turnover business. Jan has put her entrepreneurial experiences together with her passion for writing together a book aimed at helping entrepreneurs to grow their businesses during the big leap of 1-10m. The book is called Scale for Success and is now out in the UK, US, and Australia, published by Bloomsbury.

About Stephen Halasnik, The Entrepreneur MBA Podcast and Financing Solutions

Financing Solutions is a leading provider of small business lines of credit. The credit line is fast, easy, inexpensive, and costs nothing to set up making it great for emergencies or opportunities. Stephen Halasnik, Managing Partner of Financing Solutions is also the host of the popular, The Entrepreneur MBA Podcast. If you would like to learn more about the line of credit program, please visit Business Line of Credit Here or call at 862-207-4118.